Class 5

Four operations

 The four basic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—

1. Addition (+) 
– : Addition means combining two or more numbers to get a larger total.
Example: A city’s population is 3 crore, and another city has 5 crore people. If they combine, the total population is:

3,00,00,000 + 5,00,00,000 = 8,00,00,000
 2. Subtraction (−)
– : Subtraction is the process of taking one amount away from another.
Example: A country’s budget is 15 crores, but 7 crores have already been spent. How much remains?

15,00,00,000 – 7,00,00,000 = 8,00,00,000
 3. Multiplication (×) 
– : Multiplication is adding a number to itself several times, or finding the total in equal groups.
Example: If a company’s yearly profit is 2 crore and it operates for 5 years, the total profit over 5 years is:

2,00,00,000 x 5 = 10,00,00,000
4. Division (÷) 
– : Division is the process of splitting a number into equal parts.
Example: If a fund of 12 crores is to be divided equally among 4 cities, each city receives:

12,00,00,000 ÷  4 = 3,00,00,000 

Bodmas order of operation

 What Does BODMAS Stand For?
Each letter in BODMAS represents a different type of operation:

– B: Brackets – Solve anything inside brackets (parentheses) first.
– O: Orders– Solve powers or roots (like squares or square roots).
– D: Division – Solve any division operations next, from left to right.
– M: Multiplication – Solve any multiplication operations after division, from left to right.
– A: Addition – Solve addition after multiplication and division, from left to right.
– S: Subtraction – Solve subtraction last, from left to right.

 Why Use BODMAS?
BODMAS ensures that everyone gets the same answer to a math problem. Without following BODMAS, we might get different answers.

 Steps to Solve a BODMAS Problem

Let’s go through a simple example:

Example: Solve ( 6 + 2 x (5 – 3)^2).

1. B – Brackets: Solve anything inside the brackets first.
– In this case, we have (5 – 3) .
– ( 5 – 3 = 2 ).
– So now the problem looks like this: ( 6 + 2 x 2^2 ).

2. O – Orders: Solve any powers like ( 2^2 ).
– ( 2^2 = 4 ).
– Now the problem is: ( 6 + 2 x 4 ).

3. D and M – Division and Multiplication: Solve multiplication or division next, moving from left to right.
– Here, we do ( 2 x 4 = 8 ).
– Now we have: ( 6 + 8 ).

4. A and S – Addition and Subtraction: Finally, do any addition or subtraction from left to right.
– ( 6 + 8 = 14 ).

So, the answer is 14.

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